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Cool Down With an Iced Drink at Hyperion Espresso in Fredericksburg

[caption id=\"attachment_154\" align=\"alignleft\" width=\"360\"]\"Hyperion Hyperion Espresso is one of the best cafes found around your Stafford luxury apartment community. Source: MorgueFile[/caption] Cool off this summer with a delicious iced coffee drink. You can beat the heat at Hyperion Espresso!

Located by your Stafford apartment, this coffeehouse offers fresh roasted beans from all over the world. They serve both hot and iced drinks with homemade whipped cream and flavored syrups.

Their frozen drinks are a big hit during the summer. They offer both a Double Chocolate and a White Chocolate drink, with a blended concoction of their own chocolate milks, ice and espresso. Their most popular drink, Monkeylicious, includes a banana. In addition, they offer fruit smoothies like Cherry-Cranberry, which only feature fruit and Mango Madness with green tea. This coffeehouse also serves frozen mocha granitas prepared without extra ice.

Located downtown, Hyperion Espresso is open everyday of the week. Where do you buy your favorite iced drinks in Fredericksburg? Share it with us in the comments below or via our Facebook page.